1 min read

Everyone Gets Professional Development

With Chrome Warrior, we’re trying to improve professional development for teachers. We’ve been growing at a fair clip as districts and teachers seem to gravitate toward professional development aligned to the district’s overall strategy that simultaneously provides teachers with self-directed, self-scheduled professional development.
Teachers are super important in delivering high quality education. But what about all the other folks involved? What about facilities and purchasing? What about maintenance and nutrition services? What about the admins taking calls from parents day-after-day? For the most part, professional development has been limited to teachers? Not anymore. Starting Friday, everyone gets gamified professional development!

On Friday, Chrome Warrior has the ability to support multiple games. Now you can have a game for your teachers and for maintenance and operations. You can have a game for nutrition services. You get the idea.

This was a big feature to add in. There was literally no part of Chrome Warrior that wasn’t touched. So how much does this feature that allows the entire district to benefit from gamified professional development and that resulted in a lot of changes to Chrome Warrior? Well, thanks to the sponsorship of Rio Schools, this change is included as a part of our standard licensing agreement. It comes standard.

Starting Friday, Chrome Warrior provides your district the opportunity to provide classified and administrative employees online, gamified, self-directed professional development aligned to your vision for delivering high quality education.

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