1 min read

Increase Collaboration with Suspended Achievements

I’d like to share our updated Achievement approval workflow. I’m also going to give you a brief look at our updated user experience (built using Google’s Material Design language). In the current version of Alludo, Admins can either approve or reject an Achievement. If an Admin rejects an Achievement, an email with the reason for rejection is sent to the player, and they must re-submit their achievement in its entirety. Often, a Player has correctly completed most of the Achievement and only needs to make a couple of additions to earn the Achievement.

With the next release of Alludo, Admins (and Reviewers) will be able suspend an Achievement to mark it incomplete. When an Admin suspends an Achievement, they can provide an explanation that is included in the comment area (another new feature) of the Achievement.

Players are also able to submit comments, thereby enabling a dialogue within the Alludo interface. Once the Player feels that they have updated the Achievement to the satisfaction of the Admin, they can re-submit the Achievement for approval. You'll still be able to reject achievements and you will also be able to provide positive feedback on approvals (courtesy of Grenada Elementary).

What's New in the Alludo Catalog ?

What's New in the Alludo Catalog ?

“It would take us years to roll out all the PD that we can on Alludo." - Kathy Jackson, Director of Teaching and Learning for K-12, YCJUSD

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Analytic vs. Holistic Rubrics: Which Type of Rubric Should You Use?

Analytic vs. Holistic Rubrics: Which Type of Rubric Should You Use?

“One test of the correctness of educational procedure is the happiness of the child.” ~Maria Montessori

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The Art of Rubric Design: Crafting Effective Assessment Tools

The Art of Rubric Design: Crafting Effective Assessment Tools

As educators, we've all experienced the challenge of evaluating student assignments filled with scattered ideas and jumbled thoughts, leaving us...

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