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Badges, PD, Stickers & More at Fall CUE

Written by Julia Francis

CUE is hosting Fall CUE this coming Friday and Saturday (October 28 & 29) in Napa Valley. Fall CUE is focused on professional development for educators and the innovative use of technology in education. The conference boasts keynote speaker Dave Burgess (@burgessdave), STEAM Punk Playground, Student-Powered Showcase and 100+ PD sessions for educators.

This year, CUE has partnered with Chrome Warrior to bring gamification to the conference experience. All attendees will have the opportunity to play Fall CUE - The Game, an online, mobile-friendly platform for educators. The game consists of collaborative, technology-centric activities that are aligned with the session topics. 

Fall CUE - The Game

Players can select from a number of learning topics within each mission, while earning points towards mission and level achievements. Once approved, players will receive badges and physical stickers to display their progress. Those that are able to get through all three missions will receive the golden sticker and top badge!

Chrome Warrior is thrilled to be a part of this year's Fall CUE! We will be handing out stickers all day Friday and most of Saturday, so stop by and say hello!

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