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(More) October & November PD Events

Check out what's happening locally in education technology and professional development over the next few weeks:

October 25 – 28, 2016
Palm Springs, CA
California Science Education Conference

“Attendees enjoy access to more than 200 90-minute workshops - providing you the extended time needed to dive deeper into topics; two top-notch keynote speakers sure to inspire and inform; and a half dozen focus speakers lecturing on topics that are at the cutting edge of science, STEM, and education. Option events include exciting field courses, in-depth 3-hour short courses, and fun and educational evening events designed to help attendees decompress after a long day of learning.

No other event will bring together this many California science educators in one location that is large enough to offer the diversity of programming our educators need, but also small enough to create an environment that allows for connections to be made, inspirations to be had, and moments to be shared.”

October 28 – 29, 2016
Napa Valley, CA
CUE 2016 Fall Conference

“A nonprofit educational corporation founded in 1978, CUE's goal is to inspire innovative learners in all disciplines from preschool through college. With an active current membership of thousands of educational professionals, CUE supports many regional affiliates and Learning Networks. CUE conferences are California’s premier educational technology events.”

“Who should attend? Educators, technology coordinators, TOSAs, administrators, and those who are looking to see how technology can support student achievement. Many sessions and exhibits will be of special value to those involved in Title I, School Improvement Program, Data and Assessment, Future Ready, English Language Development (ELD), Special Needs, and GATE. Thousands of teachers, administrators, students, parents, and other professionals will attend the two-day conference.”

The event will include keynote speakers, a student-powered showcase, hands-on technology workshops and demonstrations.

November 4 – 5, 2016
Visalia, CA
California Reading Association: 49th Annual Professional Development Institute

“California Reading Association (CRA) is a non-profit professional organization of educators who are actively involved in all aspects of reading and language arts education, from kindergarten through university levels. The state organization, an affiliate of the International Reading Association (ILA), consists of more than 55 active local reading councils located in different service areas around the state. Over 3,000 educators hold membership in this professional organization.The California Reading Association is committed to promoting standards-aligned instruction consistent with the California Reading/Language Arts Framework (2015), which is designed to meet the needs of all learners. CRA supports the use of research-based teaching strategies designed to enable students to decode, comprehend, think critically, and communicate effectively.“

The event will include many literacy-focused workshops and lectures, as well as interdisciplinary presentations, including how to use QR codes in the classroom, mindfulness practices, arts integration and gamified learning.

November 5, 2016
San Diego, CA
SDCUE Tech Fair

“SDCUE will have many new technology infused CCSS curricular sessions, using technologies/topics such as: Technology & Common Core Strategies, Google Apps for Education, Scratch, Coding, Arduinos & Spheros, 1:1 Planning & Implementation, Design Thinking, Makerspace Workshops Creating & Enhancing Personal Learning Networks, App Smashing, Flipped Classroom Strategies, Blended and Online Learning, Virtual and Augmented Reality. Tech fair includes 45 minute presentations, 90 minute hands-on workshops, playground, student showcase, lunch, cool prizes and time to network.”

November 5, 2016
Los Angeles, CA

“While sitting in your weekly staff meetings, have you ever wished you could take control of your own professional development to explore topics that matter to you?  edcampCUELA is a perfect opportunity for you! CUELA invites you to our first ever, edcampCUELA which will be a free professional development event for LA County educators. During our first ever Edcamp, you will be in the driver’s seat of your own experience. Arrive with a pocket full of topics you'd like to learn more about or with an idea for a session you would like to lead, or with a  All attendees will post their session title ideas on the empty unconference board upon arrival. No matter what, you will leave with some new ideas and strategies you can use in your classroom! What is an Edcamp? If it is your first time, watch the video to see what it’s all about.”

November 5, 2016
Arroyo Grande, CA
EdTech Connects 2.0

“Come learn all the newest ed tech resources available to use in your classroom! There are many new and exciting ways to engage students with resources like Kahoot, Socrative, Padlet, Symbaloo and more! Google Apps for Education tools will also be presented with a variety of workshop options!”

The San Luis Obispo County Office of Education, in partnership with SLOCUE, will present EdTech Connects 2.0, an event that will include a “tech playground, college and career student showcases, workshop sessions on educational technology resources, digital citizenship and GAFE tools to enhance student engagement and learning.”

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