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June PD Events

June 14-15, 2017
Chico, CA

CUE Rock Star Teacher Camp Chico

Choose from twenty different education/technology/professional development workshops at this exciting CUE Rock Star event! Some highlights include:

Give Your "Get to Know You" Activities a Tech Boost Tired of the same old "get to know you" games for the start of school? This hands-on session will expand your arsenal of culture-building activities to use at the beginning of the year and beyond. We will use many of the G Suite tools to not only create a safe and comfortable environment for student learning but also to introduce students to some of the basic tech skills they will need during the school year.

VR/AR in the Classroom Virtual reality and augmented reality are becoming increasingly popular in today's classroom to enhance curriculum. Using Google Cardboard and virtual reality apps, students can explore many different places in our world and beyond in 3D - making it seem like they are actually there! In this session, we will explore several apps and different ways you can incorporate VR/AR into your lessons and curriculum.

Unleash the Creativity This session will be a hands-on exploration of a "MakerSpace" or "Innovations Lab". Check out 3D printing, draw with 3D pens, build a self-driving car, try out some paper circuits, and more. Creativity is alive and well in the classroom. Help your students unleash it.

June 16, 2017
Los Angeles, CA

Lynwood Educators Technology Summit

"The LETS event provides Lynwood educators the opportunity to showcase and celebrate their digital learning journeys and allows LETS participants to listen and learn how other educators have successfully implemented educational technology in their classrooms. Come and join the celebration of innovation."

Workshops include:

  • Explore Google Certification
  • Explore Apple Education
  • Ed Camp with LETS presenters
  • And more!

June 20-22, 2017
Napa Valley, CA

PBL World

"PBL World is one of the premier conferences in the field of education for Project Based Learning (PBL). Our exemplary workshops, inspiring keynote speakers, and community building opportunities catalyze transformational change in teaching and learning. We bring together dedicated teachers, instructional coaches, and school leaders to build their capacity for implementing and sustaining Gold Standard PBL in the communities they serve.

PBL World features BIE’s Gold Standard PBL 101 Workshop, which provides participants with the skills and knowledge needed to design, assess, and manage a rigorous, relevant, and standards-based project. We will also be offering BIE’s popular Leadership Academy, Coaching Academy, and PBL 201 sessions."

Keynote speakers will include Yvonne Armenia, "an advocate for Envision Education and project-based learning in hopes that others may recognize the power of their voice and through it, find their passion;" Ted Dintersmith, "one of America’s leading advocates for education policies that foster creativity, innovation, motivation, and purpose;" Stephanie Chang, "Director of Programs at Maker Ed, where she's responsible for leading and overseeing Maker Ed's varied program and project offerings while ensuring strategic cohesion with larger organizational goals and vision." and Carlos Moreno, "a passionate educational leader committed to supporting school and district leaders who are creating high-quality, non-traditional schools."

June 20-22, 2017
San Diego, CA

FocusOn Learning 2017

"This year, FocusOn Learning zeros in on three of the most powerful movements in our industry. First, mobile continues to serve as the platform for content creation and consumption as exciting new uses keep emerging. Video also returns this year, as low-cost, high-quality solutions continue to grow and new approaches in 360-degree video and interactivity lead the way in extending this medium’s reach. Finally, the topic of games is a new addition to FocusOn Learning in 2017, reflecting our industry’s growing interest in exploring how games and gamification can enhance every aspect of organizations, from performance improvement to employee engagement."

The event is an exciting opportunity for anyone using multimedia tools in their work, including:

  • Curriculum managers
  • Learning systems analysts
  • Education specialists
  • Education program managers
  • Instructional designers
  • Instructional developers
  • Curriculum development specialists

June 22-23, 2017
San Diego, CA

Character Matters Conference

"Every year teachers, administrators, social workers, coaches, parents, caregivers and college instructors gather from around the world to learn why character education matters in our educational system. Attendees learn cutting-edge techniques to teach character education from experts around the globe." The conference is recommended for "teachers from all grades and all subject areas; school-based administrators, counselors and instructional supervisors; social workers, coaches, parents and caregivers; and district office curriculum specialists and staff developers."

June 27-30, 2017
Las Vegas, NV

2017 Innovative Schools Summit

This summit will include conferences from a variety of different educational organizations. Signing up for one conference will give you access to all of the conferences, including (but not limited to!):

National Conference on Innovative Teaching Strategies This 3-day conference will provide an opportunity for teachers, administrators and other educators to learn about new insights and strategies for reaching and teaching students (PreK-12). It will emphasize evidence-based and novel instructional practices from national-exemplary programs currently being used in schools.

This forum will provide a unique opportunity to learn key insights from experts and colleagues from around the country.

Featured topics include:

  • New Approaches to Using Technology as a Teaching Tool
  • Innovative Applications Based on Brain Research
  • New Insights for Using Positive Behavior Supports
  • Recommended Do's and Don'ts
  • Strategies for Reaching Students Who Are Negative Toward School
  • How to "Teach Like Your Hair's on Fire" - the Methods and Madness Used by Master Teachers
  • New School Improvement Initiatives Learned from National-Exemplary Programs
  • And more!

School Climate and Culture Forum Scholars struggle to consistently define and distinguish the terms, but educators agree on the need to transform both “climate” and “culture” to improve academic outcomes.

This event features practical, real-world initiatives that are successfully transforming the quality, character and personality of schools. It showcases programs, assessments and tools proven to improve school culture and climate. Evidence-based and research-based interventions will be introduced, while the forum also highlights high-potential efforts currently being implemented in the laboratory of everyday school life.

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Site: flickr.com [Image 1]

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