Alludo Blog

Spotlight on CUSD School of Rock

Written by Sarah Schnurr | Sep 21, 2017 8:25:00 PM

A warm welcome to Campbell Union School District! CUSD launched their game, School of Rock, on August 17. Within a month of launching, nearly half of their staff of 400 teachers had joined the self-directed PD. Participating teachers have shared positive feedback on the game's opportunities for "friendly competition," and "open lines of communication for collaboration."

The district serves 7,500 students in six cities across Santa Clara County. School of Rock advances the districts vision to be a "model for innovative programs and instruction that engages, empowers, and inspires all children to feel safe and thrive."Game missions include: Tech Tools, PLN, Pedagogy, Digital Age Work and Learning, and Professional Collaboration.

CUSD is engaging their teachers in the fun with "Rock Star Swag," from water bottles and t-shirts to iPads and conference registrations. Kami Thordarson, Director of Instructional Technology shared, "CUSD School of Rock is adding an element of fun and competitiveness to our professional development options!  It’s been so exciting to see teachers actively engage in our game and we’ve had a blast dropping off level rewards.  Teachers appreciate the choice as they complete levels and the flexibility to learn from anywhere. We are off to a rocking and rolling start here in CUSD!"

Check out their Twitter feed to see what their teachers are accomplishing: @CUSDInnovate!

“Love it! I like that each lesson doesn’t take that long to complete, and that the lessons are on relevant and interesting topics. You rock!”

— Amber Ferrari, Forest Hill Elementary