1 min read

Help Desk and Guides Incorporated into Alludo

One challenging aspect of a product like Alludo is pacing the release of new features with awareness and support. When we were smaller, I had the ability to share new releases with each of our customers. As we've grown, my ability to share new features has not scaled in the way that I would like. I'm often surprised to learn from customers that, "it would be great if Alludo did X," when I thought everyone knew that we released feature X two months ago.

Providing support is another aspect that we've been very interested in improving. Our guides have needed updating for quite a while and I never liked the idea of having to go to another website for guidance. It would also be great if customers could ask for help directly within Alludo.

Today, I'm happy to say that we've addressed both of these issues. You can now access "how to" guidance and request help directly in Alludo. We decided to start small and focus on administrator-type roles so that we can learn and identify gaps before rolling out this support more broadly but it will likely become generally available over the next month or so.

If you have an administrator-type role (admins, game designers, approvers), you will see a Get Help link in the top right of the screen. Clicking on the link brings up a catalog of help documentation you can use and if the documentation doesn't answer your question you can send us a note directly from within Alludo.

Sending a note is also a great way to send in feature requests without risking losing your train of thought. I hope you find the embedded "how to" documentation and support helpful.

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What's New in the Alludo Catalog ?

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