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Summer PD Promotion with Alludo Learning and Fresno Pacific University

Summer PD Promotion with Alludo Learning and Fresno Pacific University

Alludo Administrators

Together, Alludo Learning and Fresno Pacific University Continuing Education provide even more value to your educators. The partnership allows your educators the opportunity to receive graduate-level, university credit* earned through your Alludo program. 

Now through August 31st learners can purchase graduate-level semester units for only $70/unit.  

Learn and earn all summer long, anytime and from anywhere!

Summer Promo Special

Between now and August 31, 2023, FPU Continuing Education will be offering a summer promotion for all Alludo educators interested in receiving credits for the work completed in Alludo. One unit of graduate-level university credit is equivalent to 15 hours of Alludo learning time. Units must be purchased before August 31st to receive the discounted price. The standard cost is $80 per unit.  Register and show proof of hours in Alludo prior to August 31st, to receive a maximum of 18 units (270 Alludo learning time) for only $70 per unit.

Please check with your school or district administrator to confirm that you are eligible to receive credits through the FPU/CE program.

To get started, Learners will:

  • Register at FPU/CE for the desired number of units
  • Learners can earn up to 18 units each fiscal school year based on the activities approved in Alludo
  • Evidence of learning is required and is assessed against specified criteria for approval
  • Upon successful acceptance of the evidence, learners will be awarded points and time credit for each Alludo micro-learning activity.
  • Time and points earned are visible on the user's course board and through the player report feature

How learners show hours for credit:

  • A screenshot of the total time/points must be submitted to the FPU course instructor as evidence of successful completion. This screenshot can be taken from the Learner Performance Report. Go to ANALYTICS from the top left navigation bar, click on Player Report, select FILTER from the top right, and then FILTER for your name. Time is shown as HH:MM in the report. Please include your name and time in the screenshot, and submit it electronically to peggi.kriegbaum@fresno.edu
  • Upon receipt, learners will receive an email from Peggi Kriegbaum when the evidence has been evaluated and the grade submitted

Course #: INT 1655A, INT 1655B & INT 1655C ~ Alludo Learning, Parts 1, 2 & 3  

Unit Cost: $70/unit (1-6 units available per course number, max of 18 units)

Additional Information

  • Upon successful completion of all requirements, a grade of Credit will be issued; if Learner’s district does not accept CR grades, notify the FPU instructor and a letter grade of B will be issued (CR is equivalent to a letter grade of B).
  • If assignments are completed earlier than the due date, submit them to the instructor as soon as completed and your grade will be promptly posted.
  • If the assignment is not received on the due date, a grade of NC will be issued. Learners will not receive a reminder of the due date.
  • Learners will be able to view their grade(s) by logging in to the CE website and clicking on My Account, then View my Courses and Final Grade Report.

Contact julia@alludolearning.com or jamie@alludolearning.com for help with how to communicate this great offer to your educators.

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