STEM Doesn't Have To Be This Hard
🕵️ PD Intelligencer - Feb 15 2025
This week, we're working with the Global Education Conference, a four-day, online learning event, to bring attendees GEC Connect—a gamified way to experience and participate in the conference. "I saw at Fall CUE how excited everybody was to use Chrome Warrior and how it added another layer for the educators that were present," said conference co-chair Lucy Gray on the partnership. "There’s so many nooks and crannies to our event, and so many resources that we put together that can get lost in everything. And we’ve tried to make things as simple as possible but it’s still overwhelming. Using Chrome Warrior helped us provide a guided tour for some of the things that are great about the GEC."The missions encourage participants to connect, share and post through social media; attend, volunteer and reflect on GEC sessions; and explore global opportunities. Sorties range in difficulty, from simply following the GEC on Twitter to submitting a workshop proposal. "I thought it was particularly useful in guiding people to do things that were about interacting with each other. We wanted people to help each other, or moderate a session, or tweet a resource out--so there was a sortie for that--we wanted people to get outside of themselves," said Gray.
Our first ‘GEC Connect Champion,’ Ruth Valle, shared her CW experience:
“I saw the game posted on Sunday morning and at first was pretty wary of this. I thought this would be really time consuming, but I just started to do a few of the challenges. What really got me going was the quick response from the approver and the points posted. Soon we had a competition going on among the top 5 players and I was really driven to get more points because of that. Also, because I recognized some of the names of the players, which made it even more fun to play… All in all, a very fun and enjoyable addition to the GEC this year. Thank you!”
The GEC, which began Sunday and will conclude tomorrow, “is a collaborative, world-wide community initiative involving students, educators, and organizations at all levels. It is designed to significantly increase opportunities for building education-related connections around the globe while supporting cultural awareness, recognition of diversity, and educational access for all.” The game will be open for all through January 1, 2017. If you would like to participate in GEC connect, click here to register--it's not too late to become a Connect Champion!
🕵️ PD Intelligencer - Feb 15 2025
🕵️ PD Intelligencer - Feb 8 2025
🕵️ PD Intelligencer - Jan 25 2025