Your Best Teaching Ideas Are A Conversation Away
🕵️ PD Intelligencer - MAR 1 2025
5 min read
Julia Francis : Dec 8, 2021 10:00:00 AM
Commit yourself to lifelong learning. The most valuable asset you’ll ever have is your mind and what you put into it. ~ Brian Tracy
Whether your school district is large or small, teacher professional learning is essential if you want to meet your district goals and see improvements in student outcomes. In fact, student outcomes are the most important thing for teachers, which is why professional learning should be measured with that in mind.
At Alludo, we created a specialized digital professional learning environment with teachers and students in mind. Our learner-centered approach makes teacher engagement a priority. With any system of professional development, it’s essential to measure the effectiveness of your professional learning strategies and systems on a district-wide basis, to ensure that you are getting the results you want.
Let’s start by asking what it means to measure learning effectiveness of teacher professional development. We believe that effective teacher professional development must produce seven outcomes as detailed below:
These seven outcomes are all indications of a successful and well-designed program of professional development for teachers.
Why is it important to measure training effectiveness in your professional development program? There are six benefits of doing so, as follows.
District and school leaders must be certain that teachers are participating in professional development at the required levels and that doing so is keeping them engaged with their jobs and with students.
For any system of professional development to be effective, it must help teachers and districts reach their goals. On the state level, that means ensuring that all teachers adhere to requirements by measuring their progress.
On the district level, it means assigning learning modules and objectives and measuring progress toward SMART goals that have been designed to improve results.
It takes time and effort to create a professional learning program that is beneficial to teachers and students, allowing school districts to meet their goals. Monitoring and measuring learning effectiveness allows school districts to identify areas for improvement and make changes as needed.
When you allocate resources to teacher professional development, you want to know that you’re getting a good return on your investment. With the right metrics, you can determine how far your money is going and where more resources may be needed to achieve the results you want.
Positive student outcomes are something every teacher wants. The only way to know if your system of professional development includes effective learning strategies is to track student outcomes and see if teacher learning is elevating student performance in the classroom.
The old ways of evaluating training effectiveness no longer apply or they shouldn’t. Here are the four most important tracking models as we see them:
Districts will benefit from using multiple models to track professional learning.
Whichever models you use to measure the effectiveness of your professional development program, you will need to apply them to five areas:
The format of professional development and the method you use to deliver it can both impact its effectiveness. For example, in-person professional development is typically more of an imposition on teachers’ time because they must travel to a specified location at the proper time. With a digital learning environment, teachers can complete modules and pursue learning goals in their own time.
If you want teachers, paraeducators, staff, and administrators to participate enthusiastically in professional learning, then it is essential that they feel supported. You must ensure they have access to required supplies and equipment and that they feel empowered to pursue their own goals as well as the ones you have laid out for them.
Learning objectives for professional development should be relevant to teachers’ time in the classroom and linked to district goals, as well as meeting all state requirements for professional learning.
Practical support is something we’ve already mentioned but faculty and staff who participate in professional development also need behavioral support. By this, we mean that you need to track their use of what they learn in professional development in the classroom and office. It’s a good measure of how effective professional development is. If they aren’t using what they learn, then you may need to reevaluate.
Every school district has long-term goals to pursue. Two of the most common are teacher retention and student outcomes. If you have a high-quality, learner-centered professional learning program, you should see improvements in both areas. Teachers are more likely to leave a district or leave the profession if they aren’t receiving proper support including engaging and relevant professional development.
Alludo recognizes that school districts need help taking the guesswork out of professional learning. They want a system that helps them achieve their long-term goals while also giving teachers a choice and a voice in what they learn. Our platform has it all:
Your district deserves an online training system that’s specific to your training needs, gives your teachers a say in what they learn, and provides analytics on your KPIs and learning outcomes. We can provide it.
Without the tools in place to measure the effectiveness of your district’s professional learning and employee training, you can’t be sure that they’re working as you intend them to. The information in this post will help you understand what learning analytics to track and how to track them to reach your most important goals.
Want to reach up to 100% PD in your district? See how Alludo can help make it happen with our free professional development platform trial, including:
🕵️ PD Intelligencer - MAR 1 2025
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