What's New in the Alludo Catalog ?
“It would take us years to roll out all the PD that we can on Alludo." - Kathy Jackson, Director of Teaching and Learning for K-12, YCJUSD
It’s time to celebrate the holidays and celebrate educators. If you know a K-12 employee in your district (administrator, educator, or staff) who you would like to recognize, add them to the K-12 Holiday Nice List below.
Add them to the list by December 16th and they'll receive a sweet treat and be recognized on our Nice List roster
New to Alludo? then explore these topics and more in the Alludo Madagascar course on the links below.
Whether it's decorating a Christmas tree, baking cookies, playing games or simply getting together with family and friends, we all have our holiday traditions. But it's never too late to try something new so take a look below and make those memories!
Alludo Rewards represents a complete rewrite of managing incentives in Alludo, and we're very excited to share the changes with you!
PETE&C 23 February 12-15, 2023, Harrisburgh, PA Register Now!
SpringCUE 2023 March 16-18, 2023, Palm Springs, CA Register Now!
QUE (Aequitas Users Group) 2023 March 28-30, 2023, Camarillo, PA Register Soon!
PAIU 2023 May 31-June 2, 2023, Kalahari Resort, Pocono Manor PA Register Soon!
ISTELive 23 June 25-28, 2023, Philadephia, PA Register Soon!
“It would take us years to roll out all the PD that we can on Alludo." - Kathy Jackson, Director of Teaching and Learning for K-12, YCJUSD
“One test of the correctness of educational procedure is the happiness of the child.” ~Maria Montessori
As educators, we've all experienced the challenge of evaluating student assignments filled with scattered ideas and jumbled thoughts, leaving us...