School budgets can be complex to manage and face a lot of scrutiny. In this webinar, see assistant superintendents from three different districts share insights on how to navigate surplus, pre-deficit, and deficit budgeting; set teachers, classified staff, and students up to achieve their goals; and maneuver guest teacher shortages and map PD to accountability plans like the LCAP, ESSER and others.
Dave has spent the last 30 years in K-12 education for the Jurupa Unified School District. He has been in the role of Assistant Superintendent, Education Services for 12 years. His focus includes Curriculum and Instruction and student achievement. His experience includes serving in the role of Director of Child Welfare and Attendance (CWA), Elementary Principal, Middle School Assistant Principal, and Elementary Teacher. Dave is a strong advocate for healthy students, physical fitness and providing equitable opportunities for all students.
Karen Minshew is the Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services for the Cajon Valley Union School District and is responsible for overseeing instructional and support programs for over 15,000 students. She aims to redesign the student experience through a modern curriculum and whole student design principles. She has a focus on career awareness, presentation literacy, and coding and has supported the reworking of district professional learning to include online badging and competency based learning. Previously, she was Director of Learning Support Services and created comprehensive counseling programs and implemented social emotional learning in classrooms. Her current goal is to align all district programs to support individualized student development and ensure all students thrive.
Kim Tredick is the Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services at Castaic Union School District. Tredick’s passion is education. Over the past 30 years, she has been a classroom teacher, Kindergarten through sixth-grade, assistant principal, principal, and has recently served as the Director of Student Support Services. In 2006 she was awarded the Milken Family Foundation National Educator award for her work with differentiation, which included the inclusion of special education students, English Learners, and gifted students; differentiation continues to be her area of expertise. Kim believes our responsibility as educators is to ensure that all students are engaged in meaningful learning all day, every day and that instructional programs meet the needs of all students.