Rebecca Barron

From Burnout to Spark: Reigniting Your Passion for Teaching

Do you stare at the clock waiting for each school day to end?

Do you drag yourself to work dreading...

Are Your Students Suffering from an SEL Deficiency? Here's the Cure...

Imagine walking into a classroom filled with rowdy, distracted students who seem to lack empathy...

Is Your Teaching Missing This Critical Ingredient for Student Success?

Imagine two classrooms...

In the first classroom, the teacher sticks to the traditional academic...

Making Educator Wellness a Top Priority for Teacher Retention

Teaching is one of the most demanding yet rewarding professions. However, the daily stresses...

Demystifying Math: How ChatGPT Can Transform Your Teaching

Do you recall that moment when you found yourself fixated on a quadratic equation, your mind...

AI Bard or Plagiarism Cheat? The Complexities of AI in Education

Remember that childhood dream of a magic writing machine effortlessly spewing out stories on...

From Textbook To Tutor: How ChatGPT Can Revolutionize Student Learning

Teachers today often feel overwhelmed by the relentless treadmill of grading papers, planning...

Mastering Resume Writing: Empowering Students with ChatGPT

In today's highly competitive job market, an exceptional resume is essential for high school...

The Clock is Ticking: How to Equip Students Now for AI-Driven Careers

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a...