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Personalized PD: 21st Century Learning for 21st Century Educators

Professional development is a process that can inspire teachers to improve pedagogical practices to...

School Scoped Achievements in Chrome Warrior

Today we added two new features to help you scale achievement management. The first feature is a...

October: Out-of-the-Box

Good-bye, SeptemberThe first month of school is coming to a close, and so is our Back to School &...

Maintaining PD Momentum

The first month of the school year is coming to a close. One month down, and nine more to go!...

(More) September & October PD Events

A few interesting educational/professional development opportunities coming up over the next few...

New Feature - Required Evidence

This morning we added a small feature that is going to increase the quality of pending achievements...

Tools of the Trade: 9/16 Resource Highlight

Hello Chrome Warriors! We hope that the beginning of the school year has been a successful one thus...

Back-to-School PD “Sit-n-Get” Solutions

Last week, we shared some new approaches to invigorate your school’s in-service period. Now we’re...

New Features for Admins

We are excited to share the new Chrome Warrior administrator features that are coming September 13,...