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Does professional development do more harm than good?

Purposeless professional development

Recently, I was thinking back to the last professional...

Customized Learning: Redesigning Teachers’ Education Through Personalized PD

Every human being is programmed differently. Each one of us has our own learning potential, and...

One Size Does Not Fit All For Personalized Development

Have you ever walked into a store and instantly recognized that the perfect gift for a friend. You...

What Does Personalized Professional Development Mean to You?

Just like each student, every teacher is different as he or she is made up of an assortment of...

Leadership Comes From Within

As a school administrator, you might feel like the first line of defense for your school. You work...

How Chrome Warrior Started

The very first version of Chrome Warrior was used to support the Palm Springs Unified school...

Summer Reading List

It’s that time of year--summer reading lists are here! Our list is made up of books that address...

How Personalized PD Can Guide Your Summer Learning

As the school year ends and summer begins, educators have time toturn their attention from their...