STEM Doesn't Have To Be This Hard
🕵️ PD Intelligencer - Feb 15 2025
So you can stay in the loop!
On March 9th, Kim Tredick, Dave Doubravsky, and Karen Minshew joined us to share how they address critical K12 budgeting issues. We discussed how to build capacity, prioritize your PD budget and optimize the programs your educators need. Watch the recording to learn more from this experienced panel and dive deeper into how to build and prioritize your PD budget.
On May 6th, 2023, Cajon Valley USD will host TEDxKids@ElCajon, an event designed to develop and amplify student voices. With the theme of "Making a difference Here and Now...starting with Me", the event will empower youth by creating space for them to share their ideas, bring awareness to their experiences, and advocate their perspectives. For more information or to reserve a spot to watch the live streaming, click the link below.
Alludo’s third annual “March Wellness,” where we celebrated educators who completed PD activities with a giveaway every single workday of the month has now concluded. And here are the outstanding results!
♥ 107,000+ micro-learning activities completed
♥ 38,500+ hours of PD
♥ 9,500+ mission pathways completed
Between now and August 31, 2023, FPU Continuing Education will be offering a summer promotion for all Alludo educators interested in receiving credits for the work completed in Alludo.
Now, through August 31st you can purchase graduate-level semester units for only $70/unit. You can receive up to 18 units (270 hours of Alludo learning time) each fiscal school year.
If you have questions or would like help promoting the summer discount in your district, contact Jamie at
If you are an Alludo district, make sure you check out all the new content that we added to the catalog recently. See the What's New in the Alludo Catalog post on the Alludo blog to keep up to date with other new content.
AFIRM (Autism Focused Intervention Resources and Modules)
Use our new AFIRM mission to support and track your learners as they work through the AFIRM training module and resources.
Our Newsela mission has been revamped to include over 15 new activities and a full refresh of resources. From Annotations to Reading Summary Insights, there is something new for everyone.
Don't forget our new ChatGPT and Generative AI content is now available for all our districts!
ChatGPT and Generative AI
The new Generative AI content will help educators understand the benefits and limitations of using Generative AI in the classroom and provide them with the tools to effectively implement it.
If you see any new missions you'd like added to your district then just drop us an email at
PAIU 2023 May 31-June 2, 2023, Kalahari Resort, Pocono Manor PA Register Now!
ISTELive 23 June 25-28, 2023, Philadephia, PA Register Now!
RCOE Ed Services Summit June 28-30, Palm Desert, CA Register Now!
🕵️ PD Intelligencer - Feb 15 2025
🕵️ PD Intelligencer - Feb 8 2025
🕵️ PD Intelligencer - Jan 25 2025